With understanding, I keep my cool in mind and body.
UNDERSTANDING is an innate POWER in everyone. IT is used to know, comprehend, and perceive. Seeking to understand provides information and insight, which eases my reactivity. In any agitating circumstance, I practice understanding to remain calm. If I’m tempted to lose my cool, I remember my POWER of UNDERSTANDING; I comprehend how to keep my emotional thermostat dialed down.
Perhaps poet Rudyard Kipling was referring to understanding in his poem “If” when he wrote the importance of “keep[ing] your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”
Properly mastered, I combine my POWERs of UNDERSTANDING, STRENGTH, and OMNIPRESENCE to be a beacon of light in times of trouble or crisis.
Whatever this day may bring, I always carry the light of understanding with me. I am cool in my mind and body.
With understanding, I keep my cool in mind and body.