My spiritual identity has its foundation in the DIVINE IDEA of JOY. I carry it with me wherever I go and in everything I do. It is always available; it is up to me to access it.
Like the sun that is always shining even when obscured by clouds, the DIVINE IDEA of JOY is available in my happiest moments as well as during darker times. Joy-spotting is the spiritual practice of identifying those moments when I spontaneously feel joy. It grounds me in the present. I remain responsive, adaptive, and accepting what I cannot change and have the courage to change and influence what I can.
Over and over again, I access and give expression to the DIVINE IDEA of JOY that helps me be rooted in happiness, peace, and wholeness.
Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor and Austrian Psychiatrist, wisely said, “We have absolutely no control over what happens to us in life but what we have paramount control over is how we respond to those events.” In short, I can only control the controllables. I have absolute control over what is happening within me. I have the power to choose my responses and actions, which are key to my freedom.
No one and no thing can make me feel a certain way. I am always living from the inside out. I freely choose my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. If I don’t like what is happening in my life, I can make new choices.
I do not squander my freedom. I take full responsibility for my life; I am free to create my future based on my inherent DIVINITY.
I smile as I watch children play. Their boundless energy seems so natural, so effortless. It must also be natural to me. When I want to reignite this energy, I remember the POWERS of LIFE and ZEAL are its source within me.
Centered in this awareness, I feel renewed vitality. As I take care of my family, move through my workday, enjoy time with dear ones, or volunteer in my community, I engage it all with vitality and enthusiasm as I feel my energy build.
If I feel my enthusiasm faltering, I don’t despair. Instead, I pause for a moment to re-synchronize myself with my DIVINITY. I access DIVINE LIFE, ZEAL, and STRENGTH. I feel my energy quickening throughout my body. I shimmer with energy and go about doing what is mine to do.
I don’t need special skills to serve others. I have willing hands and an open heart for expressing my innate DIVINITY.
This impulse to serve comes from my compassionate nature. I respond to the needs around me by doing what is mine to do in the spirit of helpfulness. I do not think of reward or recognition. Simply being of service fills my heart.
Being in service to others is a wonderful way to express my DIVINITY through my humanity. My loving heart is open, my hands are busy, and my life feels purposeful when I am doing what I can to brighten another person’s life or to make the world a better place. My humanity feels synchronized with my DIVINITY when I serve and share my love and compassion.
I express my DIVINITY as I fill my consciousness with thoughts and feelings aligned with the DIVINE IDEA of WHOLENESS. Inwardly, I bless myself as I affirm and claim wholeness. Outwardly, I nourish myself with healthy nutrition and the proper balance of exercise and rest. I am whole and complete. I am full of life.
If I experience illness, I may choose to receive treatment but do not consider myself weak or diseased. Even if part of my body may appear ill, I focus my attention on the vast majority of cells, tissues, and organs that are expressing health and wholeness. I live focused upon the DIVINE IDEAs of HEALTH, WHOLENESS, LIFE, and so many more.
I move through health challenges with faith and grace, knowing these experiences will pass. DIVINE WHOLENESS is always available to me to restore myself to physical and mental wholeness.