
All posts for the month July, 2021

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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August 1, 2021 


The CHRIST PRINCIPLE is my resource for my radiance.

On a clear day, when a stray cloud passes across the Sun the light is diminished. Then, looking up, I see brilliant rays of sunshine surrounding the cloud. While the cloud hides the Sun, it does not block its rays. The radiance of the Sun can still be seen.

As the Sun lights the Earth and is the source of its energy, the Christ PRINCIPLE is my light and resource for manifesting everything I need to live brilliantly and joyfully. When, like a passing cloud, an obstacle or challenge may seem to dim my awareness of my radiance, I respond by raising my point of view. I am encouraged and strengthened by knowing my DIVINE RADIANCE “shines brightly as ever.” No cloud can dim my radiant DIVINITY!

The CHRIST PRINCIPLE is my resource for my radiance.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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July 25, 2021


My life’s journey begins & ends with my DIVINITY.

I feel excitement at the beginning of a journey, thinking about the adventures, the beautiful sights, and the fascinating people I will find all along the way. Even as I look forward to reaching my destination, I remain alert and open to the adventures and insights that await discovery along the way.

I faithfully know my spiritual journey began with my DIVINITY, long before my human birth. In childhood, I looked outward, longing for the adventures that would become waypoints on my journey to maturity. Now I journey inward, discovering my DIVINITY which I never really left.

I am learning that even the most ordinary day can become an opportunity to realize the DIVINE is always present in ITs entirety everywhere at the same time. There is no absence in omnipresence.

My life’s journey begins and ends with my DIVINITY.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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July 18, 2021


I realize I am fully DIVINE.

I have had many a-ha moments throughout my life, when something that had befuddled me for years suddenly became clear.

It may have been something I tried to learn in school, a skill I practiced and tried to master as I grew, or even an idea that challenged my understanding of the world around me. Whenever I realized something new, I could feel my world expanding, opening up before me in fresh and exciting ways, making me eager to discover even more.

On my spiritual journey, I feel a similar excitement as I realize I am so much more than a spark of the DIVINE. I am fully DIVINE, just as I am fully human. I feel newly alive in this realization and so very grateful for it.

I realize I am fully DIVINE.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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July 11, 2021

Pray with Others

I know the TRUTH of each

dear one I hold in prayer.

It is an honor to hold others in prayer. I am grateful for this sacred trust as I see beyond appearances, knowing they are temporary conditions. I focus on the unchangeable TRUTH that each one for whom I pray is fully DIVINE as they express their humanity from their DIVINITY.

As I pray with others, I envision DIVINE PEACE as the resource for calming thoughts and strengthening faith. I assert DIVINE LIFE leading to the realization of total well-being. I claim the PRINCIPLES of LOVE, WISDOM and ORDER as the basis of harmonious relationships and adjusting every area of life. I claim ZEAL to complete everything that needs to be done.

Then I am grateful for the Truth I know and the opportunity to pray with others.

I know the TRUTH of each

dear one I hold in prayer.