The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
July 2, 2017
Spiritual Support
I give and receive light and love.
Metaphysically speaking, what I give out is already in and in my consciousness according to the Law of Mind Action – thoughts and feelings held in mind produce more thoughts and feelings of the same kind. Therefore, what I give out I receive and grow in my own consciousness. I am also grateful for my spiritual support system – the people and practices that reinforce my spiritual understanding – from whom I also receive light and love.
My prayer time is an integral part of that system. I invest time each day to quiet my thoughts, speak realized – prayerful words of Truth, or simply be.
I constantly remind myself that I am never ever separate from the Divine. I know my Divine Nature gives me strength. Keeping this truth in my heart prepares me for any seeming challenge in life.
I build upon my support system by reaching out to people – forming friendships, joining prayer partners, and attending church services. In this way, I bolster my sense of belonging. I find inspiration to live my purpose… being and living from my Divinity. I also become part of the support system of others.
The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
June 25, 2017
I forgive and see the Divinity of others.
As long as I exist in this human experience, resentments, fears, and negative judgments may be part of my journey. I dissolve these negative reactions when I choose to know the Divinity of others and myself. In doing so, I am discovering and expressing my spiritual purpose.
The bottom line spiritual purpose for everyone is discovering and expressing their Divine Identity. One key to fulfilling this purpose is forgiveness – seeing from the perspective of our innate Spiritual Nature, free from the illusions of this mortal world. From the perspective of our Divine Identity, we expand the expression of love every day. We only see the Divinity of others.
Today, I forgive. I joyfully release any resentments, fears, or negative judgments I may hold concerning others – particularly myself. I see the Divinity of others by knowing my Divinity first.
The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
June 25, 2017
I forgive and see the Divinity of others.
As long as I exist in this human experience, resentments, fears, and negative judgments may be part of my journey. By dissolving these negative reactions while choosing to know the Divinity of others and myself, I am discovering and expressing my spiritual purpose.
The bottom line spiritual purpose for everyone is discovering and expressing their Divine Identity. One key to fulfilling this purpose is forgiveness – seeing from the perspective of our innate Spiritual Nature, free from the illusions of this mortal world. From the perspective of our Divine Identity, we expand the expression of love every day. We only see the Divinity of others.
Today, I forgive. I joyfully release any resentments, fears, or negative judgments I may hold concerning others – particularly myself. I see the Divinity of others by knowing my Divinity first.
The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
June 18, 2017
Father’s Blessing
I behold the Divine Nature of all fathers; I bless them.
A beloved and often repeated prayer by individual and in groups begins, “Our Father …” Traditionally, this is a reference to a separate, male deity. In Unity, we know this to be the way Jesus referred to his Christ Nature.
There is both great responsibility and reward in playing the role of a father. Encouraging confidence in young ones calls for a parent to be present in all stages of children’s lives. Often it’s not until after years of being present – sometimes when kids think they are smarter than adults – that fathers are appreciated for their wisdom and devotion.
A prayer is a powerful way to bless fathers: “Centered in and from my Divine Identity, I bless all fathers claiming they use Divine Wisdom and Love to be wise and loving parents.” And perhaps a prayer is even more immediate when a father or a father-to-be prays from and centered in their Divine Identity, “I claim all my innate Powers so that I use them to guide myself in being a father that enriches the lives of my children.”
The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
June 11, 2017
World Peace
I AM peace and love contributing to world peace.
From my limited human perspective I may feel powerless as I consider the news of the world. The reality is this: I AM Divine from which divine energies of peace and love flow freely. I use the words I AM with care, because they are my spiritual identity, the name of my Divine Identity.
I joyfully claim and express those energies by affirming: I AM peace and love. Doing so, I contribute to the creative focus that is bringing a world of peace and love into expression.
Today I make a conscious choice to experience peace – even at the slightest appearance of conflict, I know the choices I make today will manifest themselves to the world in wonderful, transformative ways.