
All posts for the month April, 2020

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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May 3, 2020

World Peace

I contribute to world peace.

When I learn of conflict in my community or in the world, my response may be frustration, sadness, or anger. If I have those feelings, I remember that in addition to being human, I am DIVINE; I am fundamentally all that God is. I use my DIVINE FACULTIES of WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, and LOVE with the PRINCIPLE of PEACE to create abiding peace in me.

Centered in the PRINCIPLE of PEACE, I realize that every person is as human and DIVINE as I am. As differences dissolve in a way that transcends human understanding, I experience oneness with all the world’s people. This inner realization shapes my response to every person and every situation. In my awareness of oneness with all people, my thoughts, words, and actions contribute to world peace.

 I contribute to world peace.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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April 26


I release all that does not contribute to my highest good.

John’s gospel tells of Jesus’ restoring life to his friend Lazarus, who had been dead four days. As Jesus cries, “Lazarus, come out!” his friend emerges from the tomb, burial cloths still covering his face and wrapped around his hands and feet. Jesus says to those who have gathered, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

Even after a spiritual resurrection, I may remain bound, like Lazarus, by my thoughts, ideas, feelings, habits or actions keeping me from the full experience of freedom. Using my DIVINE POWER of ELIMINATION, I release error thoughts, dissolve negative feelings, and free myself from habits and actions that do not serve my highest good. I am no longer bound. I am free!

I release all that does not contribute to my highest good.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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April 19

Understanding & Wisdom

 I guide myself by using the POWERS of UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM. 

When I feel frustrated by a professional or personal challenge, feel unsafe or concerned about a situation or event, I call on my POWER of UNDERSTANDING to know and my POWER OF WISDOM to evaluate what I know.

I open my heart when I seek to understand. I gather more information and request advice from someone I trust. When I am  in conflict with someone, I first practice understanding by listening with a curious mind and loving heart.

I grow in spiritual understanding when I discern and heed my inner guidance. Spiritual PRINCIPLES begin to illuminate my consciousness. I release all that stands in the way of my UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM stand firm in the love that calls it forth.

 I guide myself by using the POWERS of UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM. 

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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April 12, 2020 


I am aware of the DIVINE in myself, family, friends and my spiritual community.

Early in the evening on the day of resurrection, Jesus, unrecognized, joins two of his followers as they journey from Jerusalem toward the nearby village of Emmaus.

Accepting an invitation to stay and share a meal, Jesus takes bread, blesses and breaks it, then gives it to his hosts. In that moment, their eyes are opened, they recognize Jesus, and, alive in their hearts, he vanishes from their sight. Later, the two explain to others how the risen Christ Jesus became a living presence to them in the fellowship of breaking bread.

Easter celebrates the risen Christ Jesus, the human being who realized and actualized Christ, or his DIVINITY. For me, Easter metaphysically represents the restoration of my awareness of my innate DIVINITY.  

I am aware of the DIVINE in myself, family, friends and my spiritual community.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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April 5, 2020


With joy and praise, I celebrate my growing Christ awareness.

Shouts of “Hosanna!” arise as the people cover the dusty road with palm branches, greeting Jesus with great enthusiasm as he rides a donkey into Jerusalem, according to the Gospel stories.

Spiritually understood, the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem symbolizes the dawning of the awareness of the DIVINE in the heart of humankind. The crowd’s shouts of “Hosanna!” represent prayers that this dawning DIVINE awareness be protected and nurtured.

Metaphysically understood, the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem symbolizes the entry of my DIVINE awareness into my peaceful consciousness. The crowd’s shouts of “Hosanna!” are my thoughts and feelings of praise and joy. What I praise grows in my consciousness. This story informs me about how to increase my DIVINE awareness.

With joy and praise, I celebrate my growing Christ awareness.