I don’t have to search for grace outside myself because it is part of me. From my humanity, grace is based on my DIVINITY and is something I bestow on others and even myself.
I know ONENESS during times of deep spiritual communion, understanding I am fully human and fully DIVINE. The PRINCIPLES of GENEROSITY and BENEVOLENCE are inherent and are the fundamental ingredients of all goodness, including grace.
Through this awareness and practice, my experience of grace deepens. I understand grace as an expression of my generosity and benevolence regardless of circumstance.
Grace is not a blessing I need hope for. It is a limitless blessing I can generously share during all times and circumstances.
I am DIVINE; the DIVINE IDEAS of INTELLIGENCE, DISCERNMENT, UNDERSTANDING, WILL and LOVE are innate. Centered in my humanity, I claim and use THEM as inherent abilities. Moment by moment, breath by breath, I know THEM as my inner light. I go forth to do what is mine to do, trusting I am moving toward my heart’s desire. Even during trying times, I assure myself that regardless of appearances – like the sun, THEY are present before, during and after a storm.
In times of uncertainty, I enter the Silence. I relax, listen deeply, and give my attention to my inner knower. I am open and receptive to realizing my best direction and how to manifest it.
With unshakable faith, I dare to reach for my dreams.
In our DIVINITY, FAITH is a DIVINE IDEA. In our humanity, we experience IT as the ability to believe and have conviction.
Having faith means I have unwavering fidelity to SPIRITUAL TRUTH in the form of DIVINE IDEAS (PRINCIPLES) and LAWS. My faith keeps me steady during shifting worldly circumstances and not focused on the things of the world but instead on the DIVINE.
I use my POWER of FAITH with STRENGTH to be steadfast during uncertainty. I use IT with IMAGINATION to be inventive when met with stagnation, and ORDER to be adaptable when faced with changing circumstances.
When my humanity is synchronized with my inherent DIVINITY, I am illumined by my belief that I can use anything and everything for good. I go forth with delight in my faith being my foundation.
Looking in a mirror, I see myself at times when my life was changing. I may see the grinning child who lost a tooth for the first time or the proud student on graduation day. Perhaps I recall my ambitions as I embarked on my career. Maybe I feel a tinge of sadness revisiting the pain of the loss I felt during my more difficult transitions.
As I have grown spiritually, I realize the very nature of life is change! No change, no life. I have learned to master life’s transitions. I know that my DIVINTY is always available. I protect myself with the PRINCIPLES of DISCERNMENT, UNDERSTANDING and WILL. In my DIVINITY, I am one with all people. In my humanity, I am distinct.
I master transitions by deepening and strengthening my humanity with my DIVINITY.