
All posts for the month July, 2016

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 31, 2016


I pray using understanding faith claiming Divine Ideas.

In Unity, prayer has 5 steps: relaxation, concentration, meditation, realization and appreciation. During the meditation step we rest in the Silence to re-establish our foundation – we are Divine Mind. I have faith in the immutable Divine Ideas and Laws I know.

In the realization step, I know and claim the Divine Ideas that underlie my prayer intention as they arise into my awareness. When I realize these Truths, I know that I know the timeless Truth. Holding on to a concern simply grows it even bigger in my consciousness by the Law of Mind Action – thoughts held in mind tend to produce more thoughts of the same kind. My intention is for the highest good for all involved. The unity of mind and heart is apparent when I envision the results I have claimed.

I follow my inner Wisdom arising into my awareness. I discern the Divine Ideas and act on them. I do my part to bring my prayer to fruition. I move forward with clarity and assurance. I pray using understanding faith.

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 24, 2106


I behold the Christ Essence in myself and in others.

These words written by Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla remind me that the same Divine Essence underlies every seeming individual including myself: “There is a level in every human soul which knows no conflict, competition, or contempt, a level which knows only peace, harmony, and love. In fact, it is peace and harmony and love, because it is the Christ essence of us.”

When it is hard for me to see this Divine Essence, I can improve the situation by lifting my awareness. I redirect negative reactions by remembering the Christ in me, my Divine Essence. Then I can begin to recognize it in others. In my mind and heart I remember Oneness. Beyond the outer façade of hurt feelings, fears, and apprehension is our Christ identity. Seeing it in others helps them see it in themselves. I behold the Christ Essence in myself and others.


July 20, 2016

Divine Wisdom

As I claim the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.

I Am Divine Wisdom.  It is my True Nature.  As I claim this Truth, I Am able to first perceive and then know my right and perfect path.  I consciously use Divine Wisdom and Understanding to guide the unfolding of my “soul’s purpose” and experience living life fully and freely.

I practice prayer and meditation to maintain an awareness and claiming of my Infinite Wisdom. I invest time in the Silence and center my mind on what is True.  In the stillness, I reach clarity and envision the next steps I will take.

As I move along life’s journey, I use my feelings as signposts to help me gauge my course.  If I feel joy, courage, peace of mind or contentment, I trust that I Am on my right path.

Each day, I discern what is mine to do to fully express my highest and best self.  Claiming the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.

Rev Sheryl Myers, Senior Minister, Unity of Gaithersburg, Md

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 20, 2016

Divine Wisdom

As I claim the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.

I Am Divine Wisdom.  It is my true nature.  As I claim this truth, I Am open to correctly perceive my right and perfect path.  I allow the unfolding of my innate Divinity and experience living life fully and freely.

To maintain an awareness and claiming of my Infinite Wisdom, I practice prayer and meditation. I devote time in the Silence and center my mind on what is True.  In the stillness, I reach clarity and envision the next steps I will take.

As I move along life’s journey, I use my feelings as signposts to help me gauge my course.  If I feel joy, courage, peace of mind or contentment, then I trust that I Am on my right path.

Each day, I discern what is mine to do to fully express my highest and best self.  Claiming the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.


Rev Sheryl Myers

Unity of Gaithersburg, MD

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 17, 2016

In the Garden

In the garden of prayer, I experience peace and

heightened spiritual awareness.

Jesus demonstrated the value of investing time with nature and in quiet reflection in support of his divine awareness. Perhaps he felt an urge to be one with nature while praying so as to experience outer and inner peace and beauty.

I, too, can experience that peace. I can stop for a moment and employ my Power of Imagination to picture a beautiful garden, filled with vibrant colors and glorious scents. I breathe deeply, taking in those scents and filling my lungs with clean air. I breathe out, releasing negative thoughts and feel my body releasing stress. My muscles are relaxed and my mind is at peace.

I appreciate this sacred opportunity. Here in the garden, I remember Oneness, knowing the Truth of Life, Health and Wholeness. I experience peace and heightened spiritual awareness.

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 13, 2016

Word: Forgive

I see with the eyes of love.  I Am understanding, compassionate and forgiving.

One of the best things I can do for my health and well-being is to forgive.  Holding on to negative thoughts or feelings hurts me, not the person who I perceive offended me.  Forgiveness opens the way for me to become aware of the Infinite Good that is always present. It stimulates physical, mental and emotional healing.

In the stillness of prayer, I concentrate on this affirmation, “I forgive and am forgiven.”  I claim the Divine Love I Am, knowing that Love is greater than any perceived hurt.  When I see others through the eyes of Divine Love, I respond with compassion and understanding.

I hold thoughts of love and forgiveness and envision their outer demonstration.  I let go of hurt and allow Divine Love to be the source of my actions and words. I see with the eyes of Love and know the truth of my Divinity.

by Rev Sheryl Myers, Unity of Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 12, 2016


With a loving heart, I practice nonresistance.

I may not always agree with another person’s opinion.  During those times, I focus on the idea of nonresistance – an acceptance of what is without judgment or condemnation.  Applying spiritual discernment, I acknowledge my opinion is just one viewpoint.

Continuing to discern, I realize that resisting a situation I don’t like or trying to change the perspective of another does not lead to peaceful solutions.  Instead, I center myself in my awareness of my true nature.  I recognize the Truth that there is only Oneness and shift my thinking and actions to reflect that knowing.

External events and situations have no effect on the calm peace of my soul.  With a loving heart, I accept what is.  Through the practice of nonresistance, I learn to look for the gifts in every experience.  I move through life with patience, love and nonresistance.

By Rev. Sheryl Meyers, Unity of Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 10, 2016


I have faith in my Divine Love blessing everyone.

I begin each day with this simple thought: I am Divine Love . These words hold enormous power and meaning. The idea expands its energy in my thoughts as I revel in the Divine Love I am. This love is not earned or one, It simply is; It is an innate quality of my Beingness.

Divine Ideas are the source of all I need. Beginning with the Divine Idea of Love I am and adding Divine Wisdom and Understanding, I protect and guide myself through every challenging situation. I claim and demand Divine Life heals and renews me in mind and body. No wound or illness in my body is beyond the health and wholeness of Divine Love and Life. No darkness is greater that the pure light of Divine Love.

I have faith in my Divine Love blessing everyone.

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


July 6, 2016

World Peace

I  honor the Divinity that is every being.

When I read or hear about unrest in the world, do I ask myself, What can I do?  I begin the process of peace by honoring the Divinity that is every being.  I see and affirm peace for those experiencing turmoil.  I send prayers of peace to all our world leaders.  I envision peace among countries and between neighbors.

To change attitudes toward peace, I begin with myself.  I align my awareness to know the Divinity I Am.  This awareness allows me to express peace at work, in my family and with all my acquaintances.  Whenever I feel concern, frustration and anxiety, I remember to honor the Divinity that is everyone.  Doing so puts feet to the words of a beloved peace song, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Update by: Rev Sheryl Myers – Unity of Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD