
All posts for the month November, 2022

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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December 4, 2022


Centered in my DIVINITY, I am a peaceful presence.

Stepping away from the busyness of my holiday preparations and the important work that must be completed before year’s end, I continue my advent journey by practicing peace in the present moment wherever I am.

I am gracious with store clerks, servers, anyone, and everyone. I add positive, peaceful thoughts to conversations. When I’m traveling, I bless other drivers with whom I share the road and my fellow passengers on public transportation.

Peace flows from that “place” in my consciousness where I synchronize my humanity with my DIVINITY. My DIVINITY fills my awareness.

The PRINCIPLE of PEACE, like all PRINCIPLES, is innate and always available. I need not find a quiet corner. Whenever I choose, anywhere is a peaceful Sanctuary. Wherever I go, whatever I’m doing, I am a peaceful presence.

Centered in my DIVINITY, I am a peaceful presence.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication and has been used with permission.

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November 27, 2022

Hope and Faith

I claim my POWER of FAITH; I radiate hope, belief, and conviction.


As Advent season begins, I say NO to pessimistic or hopeless notions that may have crept into my thoughts and feelings, weighing on my mind and heart.

I say YES to expressing my goodness and positivity from my DIVINITY. I feel a sense of renewed hope and faith dawning within me, a promise that something wonderful is on its way.

I reaffirm my conviction that no earthly condition, no worldly circumstance, is greater than my innate DIVINITY. This is where I place my faith – in the PRINCIPLES of OMNIPOTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, and LOVE. I lavishly offer others and myself  kindness and grace regardless of circumstance.

As I call upon these DIVINE ATTRIBUTES within myself, I perceive them more readily in others. I grow in faith that, together, we have the power to create the world of our highest imaginings.

I claim my POWER of FAITH; I radiate hope, belief, and conviction.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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November 20, 2022


I offer grace to myself and others.

If I am feeling overwhelmed or find myself amid conflict, I don’t need to struggle. I remember to be kind and offer grace to myself and others.  Grace is manifested from the PRINCIPLES of LOVE, BENEVOLENCE, and GENEROSITY. Grace is goodwill or favor even when it seems undeserved.

Grace is traditionally understood as God’s good will for the unworthy. When we realize grace is really something we offer to ourselves and others, we are free to lavishly share it.

We are all human; we all error from time to time. This is when we offer grace and kindness instead of criticism and punishment.

When I offer grace, I am at peace.  My thinking is clear, and I possess ample understanding, compassion, and insight.  I bring harmony and joy to my relationships.  I move forward with renewed confidence, energy, and efficiency.

I offer grace to myself and others.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

Subscribe for FREE to the Absolute Word by emailing me your email address to


November 13, 2022


I use DIVINE DISCERNMENT to know my way.

When I’m pondering a perplexing question or I need to make an important choice, I pray to synchronize my humanity with my DIVINITY. I remember DIVINE DISCERNMENT is one of the PRINCIPLES I can use to evaluate my options.

After clarifying my question and considering my available options, I release the situation as I focus on my inherent DIVINITY. I AFFIRM: I use DIVINE DISCERNMENT to choose my way. In prayerful stillness, I feel calm and relaxed.

As I conclude my prayer and resume my activities. I may experience a flash of insight or a more gradual knowing. I trust my next steps will arise into my awareness. I am confident as I know what to say and do. I move forward with calm and grace.

I use DIVINE DISCERNMENT to know my way.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

Subscribe for FREE to the Absolute Word by emailing me your email address to


November 6, 2022


I care for myself by finding balance.

Sometimes trying to balance my schedule, meet my obligations, and even find time for the things I enjoy can leave me scrambling to figure out how to fit it all in.

Today I take my cue from nature and notice the rhythm of the seasons and the tides, the cycles of growth, and the order that underlies all things that are governed by the PRINCIPLES and LAWS of the natural world. I appreciate how seamlessly the natural world balances and restores itself to harmony.

HARMONY, ORDER, and LOVE are innate PRINCIPLES in me. I honor myself when I use THEM to flow with life as I listen to my body’s many signals. I rest when tired, eat when hungry, and socialize or seek solitude as I need to.

I care for myself by finding balance.