
All posts for the month May, 2021

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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June 6, 2021


I claim wholeness and health now.

I am always grateful for the PRINCIPLES of WHOLENESS, HEALTH and LIFE which I claim as wholeness and health when my body is experiencing illness. This bolsters my capacity for healing.

I appropriately care for my body while putting a demand on the PRINCIPLES of WHOLENESS, HEALTH and LIFE. I faithfully know THEY are enduring while illness is not. I assert wholeness and health now by my thoughts, feelings, spoken words, and actions.

Even when I am not facing illness, I greet each day by blessing my body, affirming my wholeness, and the ongoing activity of DIVINE INTELLIGENCE in every cell, tissue, and organ. I am grateful for innate WHOLENESS, HEALTH and LIFE that I freely use to establish my healthy body.

I claim wholeness and health now.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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May 23, 2021


 I faithfully focus on my DIVINITY.

My POWER of FAITH is my ability to believe and have conviction. It is my inner assurance of something before it can be seen.

I may not be able to control what happens around me, but I am always free to choose what happens within me. My perception determines my experience.

When I engage my POWER of FAITH, I am assured of my vibrant wholeness that is present even during illness. I have conviction that harmony is possible even during apparent discord. When my needs appear greater than my resources, I have the inner assurance that SUBSTANCE is my limitless supply of DIVINE IDEAS.

My inner assurance is of my enduring DIVINITY; IT is always greater than any circumstance. I align with my DIVINITY now and set myself free.

I faithfully focus on my DIVINITY.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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May 16, 2021 


I activate my POWER of STRENGTH

in mind and body.

If I feel my strength waning during a time of vigorous physical or mental activity or if my ability to carry on seems gone, I remember these inspiring words from “The Prayer of Faith” by Hannah More Kohaus: “God is my STRENGTH, unfailing, quick.” The POWER of STRENGTH is the basis of my mental, emotional, and physical strength. I can use IT an infinite number of times to express a wide range of strength and not use IT up.

Strength includes toughness, forcefulness, and quiet fortitude. My strength is rooted in the inexhaustible wellspring of my DIVINITY.

Today I release all thought of weakness or impossibility. I activate my POWER of STRENGTH. I invigorate my body and bring renewed clarity to my thoughts. 

I activate my POWER of STRENGTH

in mind and body.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

Subscribe to the Absolute Word by emailing me your email address to:


May 9, 2021

 Motherly Love

 I joyously give thanks for motherly love.

In Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters, we learn, “God is love; we make Divine Love into loving.” My mother made DIVINE LOVE into loving me and others.

My mother used her DIVINE WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING to guide her way along with her DIVINE STRENGTH to carry on nurturing me as I grew.

My praise and gratitude show my mother and others how much I appreciate them. I demonstrate my thankfulness for their “motherly example” when I am nurturing with others. I use DIVINE LOVE to express “motherly love” in my own words and actions with all people. I listen patiently and share encouraging words. I seek to be a caring and supportive presence. I willingly share my skills and knowledge when someone seeks my help.

In gratitude, I share the gift of nurturing love.

I joyously give thanks for motherly love.