I feel honored when someone asks for my support and prayers. My heart and mind align with theirs as I hold thoughts affirming the TRUTH of their being and their inherent DIVINITY. I pray they recognize their full DIVINE NATURE and know that the qualities of LIFE, LOVE, and DISCERNMENT are integral to their SPIRITUAL NATURE.
In prayer, I envision them expressing their DIVINE QUALITIES: using DIVINE LIFE to live fully and DIVINE LOVE to bring comfort, harmony, and connection to their relationships. I see them as whole and well, loved and loving, prosperous, and secure.
As I pray, I focus on the SPIRITUAL TRUTH, trusting in DIVINE IDEAS and LAWS that are the answers to every prayer.
I rejoice in the stirring of the air during this Advent season. It is a time to remember and celebrate the imminent birth of Jesus so long ago. It is also a season to welcome and share unconditional love as we turn our attention to the awakening of our own DIVINE POTENTIAL. With a deep knowing, I recognize that this is the birthright of everyone.
I respond with joy to the birth of a baby, the scent of crisp, clean air, or the sight of a comet flaring across the night sky. Yet, I need not wait for these serendipitous moments to feel joy. JOY is an innate PRINCIPLE; I can choose to be joyful for any reason—or no reason at all.
As I have embarked on this Advent journey, I have grown in faith, peace, and love. Now, with joy, I find my Advent journey nearing completion. I feel content.
1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now, faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” This scripture found in the Christian Bible helps me recognize love as the greatest of spiritual blessings. Today, I take these words to heart and choose to abide in love everywhere I go. To the marketplace, I spread my warmth with kind interactions with clerks and fellow customers. At meetings, whether work related or social, I offer words of cheer. As I recognize everyone’s innate DIVINITY, I express my love in unconditional appreciation for all people.
The more I look for ways to share my love, the more opportunities I find. Especially during this Advent season, there are many opportunities to visit, to care, to give. I choose the ones that fill my heart to overflowing. Today I will abide in love.
I begin the second week of Advent by affirming peace for myself and all beings and by consciously choosing the peace I want to see in the world.
Peaceful living does not mean isolation from noise or turmoil. It means calm, even in the middle of the hubbub. At this time of year when so many seem busy and rushed, I rely on my DIVINE IDEA of PEACE to be the starting point of calm in myself, my home, my life, and in the world.
Prayer helps me stay centered, serene, and relaxed, so I can be the peace I want to see. I visualize peace flowing from my heart like ripples on a lake, influencing each person in concentric circles of tranquility and goodwill.
I demonstrate peace throughout this day, and Advent season.
As Advent begins, we turn our attention to awakening our own DIVINE POTENTIAL by embracing hope, peace, joy, and love.
This first Sunday of Advent is about hope. Hope is manifested from the POWER of FAITH.
Hope is a seed, a possibility. I use my DIVINE FACULTY of IMAGINATION to cause the seed to sprout. My faith helps the sprout take root and grow from I hope to I believe.
I may have once hoped God would help me. Now I have faith in my DIVINE POTENTIAL that I can help myself. I may have once hoped for the life of my dreams. Now I have faith in my ability to create the life I want through the power of my feelings, thoughts, and words.
Today I renew my appreciation for the world’s abundance. From my personal belongings to inspiring public spaces and the wonders of the natural world, abundance surrounds me.
It can be easy to take these things for granted, especially when the needs and obligations of daily life usurp my energy and attention. My focus is key. As I fill my senses with the beauty and goodness that surround me, I feel gratitude for the world’s bounty anew.
The PRINCIPLE of ABUNDANCE is the source of the abundance in my life and in the entire universe. I am grateful for the goodness and grace that I can express into the world. I live abundantly, grateful for all I have and for any opportunity to share it with others.
Perhaps the greatest gift of prosperity consciousness is freedom from worry. It is knowing that I am fully DIVINE and, as fully human, I can draw from an infinite number of DIVINE IDEAS and prosper myself in infinite ways.
This awareness helps me keep the things of the world in proper perspective. Like anyone, I can know times of plenty and may know times of lack. Understanding my prosperity is based on SPIRITUAL TRUTH and not the quality or number of my belongings or the amount of money I have in the bank gives me agency to direct my life. I am prosperous as I affirm this TRUTH again and again: I grow richer in my awareness of DIVINE IDEAS, the building blocks of everything on earth.
Freedom is natural. I live my freedom when I speak my mind, pursue my dreams, and live with dignity and self-respect. It means I am self-directed, and I use my POWERS of LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, WILL, and DISCERNMENT to guide my decisions and actions. As I do, I feel free.
I do what I can to support freedom for myself and others. I honor and give thanks for all those whose courage and dedication in service have helped build and sustain a world where all people can know true freedom.
In prayer, I envision a harmonious human community that assures everyone’s basic needs are met, respects differing viewpoints, and celebrates the fact that each unique individual is expressing themselves from their DIVINITY.
When winter follows the autumn harvest and the sun’s light grows weaker, what may resemble barren land is actually a time of rest, a preparation for a new cycle of seasons. The sun’s light and warmth change in ways that perfectly suit each season.
My life, like planet Earth, moves through seasons – the awakening of wonder in childhood, exciting and sometimes stormy growth during adolescence and early adulthood, the achievements of the middle years, and the fulfillment that maturity can bring.
My DIVINITY, “the divine light within me,” is my unfailing source of strength, understanding, and comfort in every season of life.
Stunning visual arts, Inspirational music, a brilliant performance – these are all lovely results of people being creative, but they are by no means the only ones.
Creative acts abound from the most soaring, soul-inspiring instances to the mundane moments that fill daily life. Creative activities are prayers in action, a continuation of creativity in its infinite manifestations.
Living is a creative act. It’s the way I am in the world, the way I love, and the way I relate to all others. Understanding it in this way, I see how I am using my thoughts, feelings, and imagination to create my experiences. I bring my DIVINITY into expression through my creativity.