Sometimes I wonder about my place in a world that is changing so rapidly. I realize many of the world’s people may be wondering the same thing. Then I remember by DIVINITY; while the world may change, my DIVINITY does not therefore I meet change with equanimity.
Feeling fearful or insecure can overwhelm feelings of peace. I wonder whether others are feeling the same way. As peace seems further and further away, I remember that the PRINCIPLE of PEACE is innate in everyone.
The PRINCIPLE of PEACE is part of my DIVINE IDENTITY. I remember all people are fully human and fully DIVINE. In our DIVINITY we are identical. I include all the world’s people in my prayers envisioning us coming together using the inherent PRINCIPLE of PEACE to manifest World Peace.
When I hear the words, “I am praying with you,” I relax into the calm centeredness of a trusted friend’s faith. I am reassured and feel my own faith growing stronger. Wherever my friend may be, I know the power of prayer is undiminished by distance.
Grateful for the gift of others’ prayers with me, I welcome every opportunity to pray with anyone who asks. Having heard the prayer need, I let go of concern. In faith, I behold the DIVINITY within the one with whom I pray.
Knowing the TRUTH of another’s wholeness, I release any thought of illness. I affirm DIVINE WISDOM for guiding decisions and DIVINE STRENGTH for relieving any weakness. I affirm DIVINE PEACE for peace of mind and DIVINE FAITH for supporting hope to those I hold in prayer.
I “rise up!” in consciousness helping to create a world that works for all.
Throughout time, there have been people who led lives that changed the world forever. Their words and deeds provided hope and inspiration for those who would carry forth their legacies of love, growth, and evolution—long after they left this life.
Their most powerful contribution was their ability to inspire others to express their own purpose founded and based on their innate DIVINITY. As more and more people reach their highest potential, the whole of humanity ascends.
Today I honor those who have led lives of service, endeavoring for love, truth, and justice. I celebrate and honor their journeys and contributions as I invest and embark on my own. I “rise up,” grateful for contributing all I can to the growth and evolution of humankind.
I “rise up!” in consciousness helping to create a world that works for all.
I engage my DIVINE WISDOM; I create my unique spiritual path.
Tending to my spiritual life keeps me attentive to the whispers of my heart and in tune with my inner guidance. My inner guidance relies on the POWERS of WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING and WILL. I am grateful for those moments when I rely upon my spiritual intuition to discern my path forward.
Sometimes, my inner guidance feels far away and hard to access because of my chattering mind. At those times, I seek the assistance of trusted friends, advisers and the wise counsel of my minister or spiritual counselor. They pray with me, listen with empathy, and provide support until I find my innate wisdom and inner guidance. Then, they share my joy of success. I am grateful for those who walk the path alongside me.
I engage my DIVINE WISDOM; I create my unique spiritual path.