The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
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June 2, 2019
I appreciate the vastness and diversity in the world.
As I walk through a garden blooming with spring flowers, I delight in the symphony of colors and fragrances. When I pause and look more closely, I see that no two blossoms are identical.
I appreciate the exquisite beauty of the garden and the unique contribution each blossom offers. What I appreciate grows in my awareness.
In the beautiful diversity of colors, shapes, and fragrances, I experience the amazing expressions of the Divine Principles of Beauty and Substance.
As I grow in spiritual awareness, I recognize the human family, even more magnificent than a spring garden, reflects the beauty and the glory of the Twelve Powers. Each racial, cultural, and spiritual group within the human family adds richness to the human experience. Each person expresses their Divinity in a unique way.
I appreciate the vastness and diversity in the world.