
All posts for the month June, 2016

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


I used Monday’s Daily Word since many churches will be using a 4th of July theme for their Sunday services. Below the following Absolute Word is the one actually written for Sunday, July 3, 2016


From July 4, 2016 for use on July 3, 2016


I am Divine, I am free!

Emilie Cady, in her well known book, Lessons in Truth, entitled the first chapter, Bondage or Liberty Which? Her premise is “Every man believes himself to be in bondage to the flesh and to the things of the flesh.” Today we take a more generous and positive view of the body. Even so, there is a truth kernel in her statement; we are in bondage to the limitations of the “contents” of our consciousness – our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and images. Cady added, “Do not be under the bondage to false beliefs about your circumstance or environment.”

Can past mistakes limit my freedom? No! I am always free to choose again. Just as I have consciously used my past experiences to get myself to this place and time, every freely chosen good thought and heartfelt prayer gets me to a new life of freedom now.

I am Divine, I am timelessly free! In the face of events in the world or in my own home, do I choose to be fearful of my safety or the safety of my love ones? No! I am free to choose the safe harbor of my Divine Nature no matter the outer circumstances. I am free to choose LOVE at any given moment.

There is no situation that is beyond my Divine Ability to see it differently and find a way to use it for good! I am Divine, right here, right now! I freely guide myself desiring only the best for myself and others today, tomorrow and always!

I am Divine, I am free.


July 3, 2016


I am Divine Love; I freely share Love with everyone.

In 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul spoke about the power of love and what it means in our lives, “Love is patient; love is kind … It bears all things, … hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

In my relationships – whether they are personal or business-related – I remember Paul’s words and I intentionally utilize them to guide my thoughts, words and actions. I am patient and kind, allowing others to be themselves without judgment or censorship. I demonstrate my love by praying for them and encouraging them as they find their way in life.

I am Divine Love: I freely share Love with everyone which influences my interactions with others.


The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


June 26, 2016


I faithfully use Divine Power in my life.

The more time I invest in meditation and prayer, the stronger my realization of my Divine Identity and Divine Power. This strengthening provides a base upon which I build my life, just as a house is built upon a firm foundation. Even if the winds of fear blow and storms roll in, I have faith that my house is safe because the rock beneath me is unfaltering.

However, during difficult times, I may struggle to trust my use of Divine Power working toward good in my life or in the world. If I feel defeated because of a challenging situation, I turn my attention to my Divine Identity. I focus on the calming rhythm of my breath and by body relaxes. I do not seek a solution; I faithfully know a solution always arises into my awareness.  Then, I faithfully take action using my Divine Power.

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


June 19, 2016

Fatherly Love

I am grateful for the enduring protection of fatherly love.

I praise and am grateful for fathers, father figures and my own fatherly nature.  I bless the qualities related to fatherly love. “Fatherly love” inspires, provides, protects, keeps boundaries, and demonstrates integrity at all times. Fathers, father figures and my own fatherly nature are empathetic, compassionate and playful.

Most of us aspire to live in a peaceful, safe, and loving world and leaving the world a better place for generations to come. Fathers, father figures and my own fatherly nature have an influential role in making this happen with all children as well as friends and family.

I give thanks for the many father figures in my life – those who have helped guide me with encouraging words and actions. I honor the supportive and nurturing role they have played in my life. I “pay it forward”  by mentoring and guiding those around me in kind, loving, and nurturing ways.

I bless all fathers and all those in similar roles for strength of mind and peace of heart. May they always know and reflect their Divinity in all that they think, say, and do. I am grateful for the enduring protection of fatherly love.

The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.


June 12, 2016

Divine Order

I use my Innate Divinity to Divinely Order my life.

In his book, The Twelve Powers of Man, Charles Fillmore said, “Man can never exercise dominion until he knows who and what he is and, knowing, brings forth the knowledge into the external by exercising it in divine order, which is mind, idea, and manifestation.” It may seem shocking that Divine Order is not something predetermined for us or imposed upon us – that would negate free will. Divine Order is a Spiritual Law.

In war-torn biblical times, Naomi and her daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah lost their husbands. Ruth, in a courageous act of devotion to Naomi, pledged her commitment to stay with Naomi, return to her homeland, and adopt her people and God. She used the Spiritual Law of Divine Order to make her commitment to live with Naomi and adopt her God.

Like Ruth, I follow my heart and do the next right things. Despite any outer appearances to the contrary, I consciously use mind-idea-manifestation in my life.  I deliberately and consciously use Divine Ideas to establish order out of chaos. I devote myself to what serves the greater good.

In Hebrew, Ruth’s name means love; the Power of Love is the ability to desire. Desire determines what we manifest. Desire uses mind-idea-manifestation which is Divine Order. I follow my spiritual knowing and my heart in all circumstances always leading with love. I use my Innate Divinity to Divinely Order my life.