
All posts for the month August, 2019

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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Sept 1, 2019

Abundant Living

I live joyously and abundantly!

Living abundantly means living in gratitude, without fear or limitation. I live in the awareness of my DIVINE NATURE as I express LIGHT (SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING), life, love, and peace.

In a spirit of gratitude, I notice the blessings in my life every day. I give thanks for each one, large or small; I have all I need. With DIVINE PRINCIPLE as my resource, I have unlimited RESOURCES that I can summon from within at any time. I use these RESOURCES in specific ways.

I see beyond negative appearances to the TRUTH of my BEINGNESS. I am whole, complete, and able. My relationships are harmonious. My life is in order, I have enough to use and share. For these TRUTHS, I breath a prayer of thanks. The PRINCIPLE of ABUNDANCE is all around me and is ME!

I live joyously and abundantly!

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The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.


Aug 25, 2019


My DIVINE NATURE is unlimited.

When I focus on my day-to-day human experiences, it’s sometimes hard to believe I am unlimited spiritual BEINGNESS. After all, I have errands to run, tasks to finish, or people to care for. While my time and my choices are limited, they are manifested from my UNLIMITED POTENTIAL. I express my personality and body from limiting the UNLIMITED using the Law of Expression (from the ABSTRACT to the concrete).

I know the TRUTH of my DIVINITY. I pause, breathe, and remember I am DIVINE WHOLENESS, LOVE, UNDERSTANDING and so much more. My purpose is to love and be loved, to give and receive, to choose joy even among the errands, tasks, and care-giving. This life is my opportunity to consciously express the DIVINITY I AM in my personality and on the earth. 

My DIVINE NATURE is unlimited.

The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.

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Aug 18, 2019

World Peace

I am doing my part for world peace.

PEACE is one of the fundamental PRINCIPLES making up our DIVINITY.  We us IT to experience peace. Over and over, we are told that world peace begins with peace in our hearts. That’s very good news. It means I can contribute to world peace every day. I don’t have to be a diplomat or high-ranking government official to play a role in moving the planet toward peace.

I only need to remember to choose peace in every situation. Peace is far more than refraining from physical violence. Peace is kinder thoughts and deeds. Peace is giving the benefit of the doubt. Peace is honesty and trust. Peace is even simple courtesy.

Each time I see the DIVINITY in another human being and treat that person accordingly, I contribute to world peace.

I am doing my part for world peace.

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Aug 11, 2019


I am free to be my TRUE SELF.

Today I may be called to fill many roles: parent, child, spouse; partner, friend, neighbor; coworker, consumer, citizen. As I contemplate the unwavering power of infinite LOVE, I understand that my TRUE SELF, my AUTHENTIC SELF, is DIVINE. I know how to speak and act for the highest good of all concerned. I express myself with courage and compassion.

In strife, my words and actions bring forth peace, reconciliation, and wholeness. In accord, my contribution is a magnet for joy, beauty, and abundance. Trusting my AUTHENTIC SELF, I call upon the glory of my INFINITE POTENTIAL to transform ordinary circumstances into magnificent possibilities.

I am free to be my TRUE SELF.