My many happy experiences and memories may lead me to feel joyful, but I know they are not the SOURCE of my joy. JOY is a DIVINE PRINCIPLE present in me. IT is as close to me as my next breath.
Joy wells up and spills over within me when I bring my awareness to my SPIRITUAL NATURE and to my experience of oneness with all life. It is an attitude of my heart-mind.
The happiness I feel in life depends on my decreeing JOY to come forth. As I nurture my experience of joy through a regular prayer practice, my awareness of my DIVINITY is enhanced.
I invest time in joyful things. I am grateful for DIVINE JOY that is an innate and inherent. I share IT generously.
I am inspired by our intrinsic DIVINITY as I gather with others.
When I gather with others, my perception and awareness of our identical and inherent DIVINITY is magnified. It seems evermore palpable than a moment before. Together we create a synergistic energy and vibration that has the appearance of being greater than any of us has alone.
I am comfortable and at ease when I notice our wondrously distinct appearances, preferences, backgrounds, and opinions. Each of us is uniquely manifesting our humanity based on and from the PRINCIPLES and LAWS making up our DIVINITY.
When I join in fellowship with my family, friends, and others, each of us becomes a mirror for the other. We use the PRINCIPLE of DIVINE LOVE to harmonize and bond us together. We see in one another the fundamentality of our DIVINITY.
I am inspired by our intrinsic DIVINITY as I gather with others.
On this glorious Easter Sunday, the sun rises on the new day. I am aware of my DIVINITY, CHRIST, arising in me. I am glorious, joy filled, and brimming with life.
Just as the stone was rolled away revealing an empty tomb where Jesus’ crucified body had been, I roll away the stones of all that has kept me entombed
Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ overcoming death. It is also an invitation to celebrate my victory over all I have survived. I celebrate the triumph of my awareness of the TRUTH of my DIVINITY.
The trials of the world are always temporary. Today I roll away the stones of limitation and lack. With joy, I revitalize the TRUTH of my inherent DIVINITY.
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He arrived riding on a donkey colt, the excitement of the gathered crowd amplified the celebration as they waved palms and shouted.
Metaphysically, Jerusalem symbolizes a place of perfect peace in my consciousness. Jesus riding on a donkey colt represents the mastery of my DIVINITY over my basic nature entering a state of peace. The crowds of people represent my thoughts and feelings joyously welcoming the awareness of the CHRIST, my inherent DIVINITY, in my consciousness.
I celebrate, claim and know this peace is my own as the awareness of the CHRIST dawns in me. With each prayer on my lips, every thought, and feeling in my mind, I celebrate and welcome the CHRIST, my inherent DIVINITY, anew.