The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
October 28, 2018
In each moment
I am grateful for the opportunities I find within each moment.
Every moment exudes infinite possibility. I am grateful for the opportunities in my life today.
Still, it is not always easy to remember the power of possibilities that lie within every moment when I give my attention to daily distractions.
I turn within as I retreat from the external realm of my senses. I center my awareness in my Divine Identity. I can only take action in this now moment. I am anchored in this moment. I appreciate all the opportunities available to me. As I tune into this moment, I express the light and love of my infinite Spiritual Nature.
Divine Principles are within and around me. They are the source of all I need. I relax into the peace of each powerful moment. I joyfully affirm:
I am grateful for the opportunities I find within each moment.