The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
July 16, 2017
Divine Order
I use Divine Ideas according to Divine Order assuring success.
An acorn carries within it the imprint of its destiny to become a mighty oak tree. I carry within me the Christ Principle the imprint assuring my destiny and desire to live from Christ Consciousness.
Spiritual order proceeds from the Infinite to the finite, from the inner to the outer. I reflect on the Divinity that permeates and supports me – my Source of strength and new ideas. As clearly as I see the potential of the oak tree in the acorn, I see my potential of living from Christ Consciousness. All that I desire to be and to have arises from my Divine Identity which includes all the Divine Ideas I need.
My faith in the Divine Idea of Life is the fundamental basis of this thing we call “life” moving through every living thing. I propel myself ever forward, first as the idea, then the expression and then action. There is no need for worry when grounded in the Truth of Divine Order, Mind – Idea- Expression. I trust the Law of Divine Order; I am always using it in my life.
I use Divine Ideas according to Divine Order assuring success.