The Absolute Word is based upon Unity’s Daily Word® in order to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.
December 27, 2015
Based my Divine Nature, I am transformed by
the renewal of my mind.
Every day my body is renewing itself. Old cells and unwanted materials are eliminated while new skin is created, hair grows, and each organ remakes itself cell by cell. This same process applies to my inner life as well. I may have noticed a habit or reaction that I would like to change, a belief that is limiting, or a false story I am telling myself. Just as dead cells are eliminated so too must our old thoughts and beliefs be eliminated. My mind is renewed thought by thought.
Each day I release old ways of being and give life to a renewed, radiant self that is compassionate, understanding and forgiving. I consider what the Divine Image of myself might be. It may be more compassionate, understanding, or forgiving. I claim this to be true in my prayer time. I hold this vision in my mind and heart, knowing the Law of Mind action is always doing its work. As I hold to this vision it gathers more substance – more thoughts and images like it. In the fullness of time, compassion, understanding and forgiveness easily and naturally manifest!