I use my Power of Strength to stay the course and act on Divine Ideas.
My human willpower is derived from the Divine Idea of Strength. Strength helps me to complete things in the world. When I align my willpower from my Divine Nature, I accomplish much.
The Power of Will is my innate capacity to make choices. The Power of Strength is my ability to stick with it, persevere and accomplish that which I chose. When I consciously use Will and Strength together I have great willpower. I make healthy choices, I choose positive thoughts and feelings. I achieve the goals I focus upon.
Through meditation and prayer, I align my Powers of Will and Strength from the awareness of my Divine Nature. Ideas of peace, reconciliation, forgiveness and love arise in my consciousness. I choose to act on these ideas for myself and others using Strength to do so even in difficulties. I make wise choices so that I am the best person I can be. I manifest Spirit, my Divine Nature, in the world.