As we grow up, we often put on various masks to meet the various situations we find ourselves in. Some are authentic roles we play as parents, teachers, siblings. Others are masks intended to hide who we’re afraid we are or believe ourselves to be.
Charles Fillmore wrote, “Jesus Christ’s real name is Jehovah, I AM. The personal man Jesus is merely the veil or mask worn by the spiritual man Christ or Jehovah. We are all, in our personality, wearing the mask that conceals the real, the spiritual, I AM. Jesus shattered that mask and revealed the spiritual man. He also taught the way by which we may all do what He did and thus fulfill the destiny implanted in us by the parent Mind.”
It is important that I invest time becoming aware of my authentic “self,” the I AM. The I AM supports the roles I play in helpful and kind ways. I am so much more than some made up personality based on egocentric beliefs. My authenticity arises from I AM. My real name is Jehovah, I AM. I am I AM!