At times, I think and act as if my personality/ego is all that I am. I may feel restrained by my circumstances. I have commitments to keep, bills to pay, and my inner critic to calm. I may wonder how to get out of this stagnant state. Then, I remember I am so much more than my ego. I pause and realign myself with my Spiritual Nature. The way ahead becomes clear. I shift my focus from lack to abundance and from “bondage to old ways” to freedom! I have the power to create a sense of freedom in my life.
Awareness of my Divine Nature supports a change in my attitude. Often, this is all I need to be free. I also may change the way I communicate to free myself from frustration. Instead of keeping things bottled up I share my feelings and needs openly. I am empowered to ask for what I need. When it’s my turn to listen, I am compassionate. I breathe before reacting and respond with love. Centered in my Spiritual Nature, I am free.