July 20, 2016
Divine Wisdom
As I claim the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.
I Am Divine Wisdom. It is my True Nature. As I claim this Truth, I Am able to first perceive and then know my right and perfect path. I consciously use Divine Wisdom and Understanding to guide the unfolding of my “soul’s purpose” and experience living life fully and freely.
I practice prayer and meditation to maintain an awareness and claiming of my Infinite Wisdom. I invest time in the Silence and center my mind on what is True. In the stillness, I reach clarity and envision the next steps I will take.
As I move along life’s journey, I use my feelings as signposts to help me gauge my course. If I feel joy, courage, peace of mind or contentment, I trust that I Am on my right path.
Each day, I discern what is mine to do to fully express my highest and best self. Claiming the Divine Wisdom I Am, I live fully and freely.
Rev Sheryl Myers, Senior Minister, Unity of Gaithersburg, Md