The Absolute Word is based on Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity® publication, and has been used with permission. While closely resembling Daily Word, the modifications are intended to demonstrate and teach Verity Consciousness.
June 26, 2016
I faithfully use Divine Power in my life.
The more time I invest in meditation and prayer, the stronger my realization of my Divine Identity and Divine Power. This strengthening provides a base upon which I build my life, just as a house is built upon a firm foundation. Even if the winds of fear blow and storms roll in, I have faith that my house is safe because the rock beneath me is unfaltering.
However, during difficult times, I may struggle to trust my use of Divine Power working toward good in my life or in the world. If I feel defeated because of a challenging situation, I turn my attention to my Divine Identity. I focus on the calming rhythm of my breath and by body relaxes. I do not seek a solution; I faithfully know a solution always arises into my awareness. Then, I faithfully take action using my Divine Power.