Reminder: Today is Father’s Day. Invest a few moments in the Silence honoring your father whether living or has passed on to “another room in Consciousness.” Regardless of the circumstances and your experience, you would not be here if it were not for him and your mother!
I lovingly and compassionately support, protect and
care for those around me.
Fathers teach by the way they live. Among other things, fathers teach how to work hard, be reliable, willing, and patient. They demonstrate love as they provide support, comfort, loyalty, warmth, affection, strength, protection, care, shelter, and guidance.
Fathers learn and grow throughout their lives. My relationship with my father may be strong and loving, or it may have its ups and downs. I am grateful to my father and all fathers for their doing the best for their children.
Whether my father lives or I hold his memory in my heart, today I honor him and pray for his well-being. I hold a vision of all fathers as models of faith and love – blessing their families for generations.