The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
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April 28, 2019
I speak words of Strength and Power to my life centers.
Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore’s healing led to the founding of the Unity movement. She discovered her intelligence could guide the life energy in her body. She wrote, “I began to teach my body and got marvelous results.”
Myrtle said, “I went to all the life centers in my body and spoke words of Truth to them – words of strength and power. I asked their forgiveness for the foolish, ignorant course that I had pursued in the past, when I condemned them and called them weak, inefficient, and diseased.” Myrtle told them they were free, unlimited Spirit.
Myrtle refused to be discouraged when their progress to wake up seemed slow. Eventually, in two years, she realized wholeness.
I ask my life centers to forgive me; I speak words of Strength and Power to them; I tell them they are free, unlimited Spirit.
I speak words of Strength and Power to my life centers.