The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
April 15, 2018
I use Divine Ideas for manifesting my prosperity.
Divine Ideas demonstrate the principle of Abundance. Divine Ideas are like seeds planted in my heart/mind, my consciousness. When I nurture and tend them, they grow. I use them to produce manifestations of prosperity in my life.
I might be surprised at some of the ideas that arise into my awareness. At first, I might not see how I could possibly use them. As I focus on these ideas, I embrace their unlimited possibilities while disempowering any limiting beliefs that arise into my awareness.
My supportive personality works with Divine Ideas. In and of themselves Divine Ideas do nothing. I make the choice for prosperity, open my mind to Divine Ideas, and use Them to guide myself to my next steps and new possibilities.
I use Divine Ideas for manifesting my prosperity.