March 8, 2015
Free from fear, I celebrate the gifts of vulnerability.
As I experience my Divine Identity, my heart is open to give, receive and be love.
There are not many forms of Power, there are many ways in which we use Power. When I use Power to activate beliefs underlying my fears, I want to protect myself like a knight in armor. My defenses seem to shield me from what I fear but also block authentic human connection. As I release any belief about whether I am good enough, I free myself to grow into my full potential. As I release the fear of getting hurt, I free myself to feel more of my feelings. Knowing at depth that I am worthy, I open my heart to give and receive love freely.
I choose vulnerability rather than defensiveness, humility rather than aggression. I allow my heart to open to all that is, to live from a center of love, and to treat others as I would like to be treated. As I shed my armor and embrace my vulnerability, I allow myself to live fully, Free from fear, I celebrate life.