January 11, 2015
Divine Motivation
Grounded in my Divinity, I enjoy my successful journey.
Using my Divine Power of Imagination, I see new possibilities for success and satisfaction. I hold to a clear picture. Using my Divine Powers of Life and Zeal, I am passionately energized and motivated toward positive outcomes. Using my Divine Understanding, Divine Wisdom, Divine Will and Divine Power of Dominion, I empowered to know what to think say and do.
As I get still, meditate and firmly ground myself in the Silence, my next step takes form and arises into my awareness. Using my Divine Power of Faith, I move forward toward my good navigating over, around and through any seeming obstacles. I harmoniously use all my Divine Powers to propel myself forward … no matter what.
As I enjoy my successful journey, I experience spiritual growth as an extra benefit of my consciously using my innate, Divine Powers. I am deeply satisfied. I make progress exploring new possibilities. I do it all in joy as I enjoy the journey!