21.08.29 – The Absolute Word – Awareness
The Absolute Word is based on Sunday messages appearing in Daily Word®, a copyrighted Unity publication, and has been used with permission.
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August 29, 2021
I intentionally raise the quality of my awareness.
Awareness is one of two components of consciousness. The other is arousal, a global state of responsiveness.
Investing my time in mindful contemplation increases awareness of my surroundings. As I gently concentrate and focus my attention, I release distractions as they arise. My mind settles down and my world begins to feel brighter, vibrant, and more alive. I notice the soft sounds and minute textures and colors I overlooked before.
Investing time in prayer increases my awareness of my inherent DIVINITY which is identical in everyone. I am patient, kind, generous, and forgiving. I move through life with ease and grace.
Awareness grounded in my DIVINITY opens my eyes, ears, mind, and heart. I have changed but the world has not. However, I do perceive the world differently.
I intentionally raise the quality of my awareness.