Sunday, November 02, 2014
I meditate to know my innate Divinity.
I use meditation to upgrade my human consciousness and re-energize myself. As I turn my awareness to the quiet within my consciousness, I breathe deeply and relax. I shift awareness from the world around me, my body and my conscious thoughts and feelings. Each one is like a leaf gently floating downstream. I gently focus on a word or phrase of peace. As my body and conscious mind become still, I transcend the external world of things and events as well as the chattering activity of my conscious mind. I open myself to Infinite Potential as I rest in a state of total non-awareness.
My time in meditation, effortlessly reinforces awareness of my Divinity. As I shift from total non-awareness I become aware of my thoughts, feelings, body and the outer world around me. My spiritual understanding, peace and love have expanded. I am refreshed and revitalized. I return to the activities of the day being the presence of peace and harmony. I know what to think, say and do.
The meditation of my heart shall be understanding. Psalm 49:3